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Yasus Afari and Liz Millman established "Learning Links International" to follow up on the research and greater understanding gained in 2007 when the 200th Anniversary of the Abolition of the Trade in Africans was recognised.

Learning Links International is working to create better community cohesion in schools, colleges and universities, as well as offender and mental health services.

We also aim to create better respect and understanding of the languages and cultures of Africa, the Caribbean and other countries by providing cultural awareness events and training for communities and organisations.

We are promoting better understanding of environmental issues, interfaith acceptance and social cohesion through research activities, workshops projects with schools and the development of resources.

Check out www.learninglinksinternational.com

Yasus Afari also supports the Widening Horizons project which is linking UK and  Jamaican schools to check out click here

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